excavations have brought to light the remains of a
highly developed urban civilisation in ancient
India, that stretched across approximately 1520
kilometres, extending from the area on the upper
Sutlaj in contemporary Punjab to Lothal in
Gujarat. Historians are of the view that this
civilisation flourished in the third millennium
before the birth of Christ.
It is known by
the name of the two of its great cities - Harappa
and Mohenjodaro situated on the left and the right
bank respectively of the river Ravi in Punjab. The
two cities were built on a similar plan - houses
constructed with standard burnt bricks arranged in
squares, along roads intersecting at right angles.
The houses varied in size but were all based on
the same plan - a small courtyard surrounded by
rooms with entrances in side alleys, often
multistoried with no windows opening out to the
street. The houses had bathrooms and the drains
flowing out were connected to covered sewers with
soak-pits. This unique sewage system is amongst
the most impressive achievements of the Indus
people and sets them apart from all other ancient
By about 1500
B.C. an important change began to occur in the
northern half of the Indian sub-continent. The
Harappa culture in the Indus Valley had declined
by about 1750 B.C, and the stage was being set for
a second and more continuous urbanisation in the
Ganges Valley.
The earliest
literary source that sheds light on India's past
is the Rig Veda. It is difficult to date this work
with any accuracy on the basis of tradition and
ambiguous astronomical information contained in
the hymns. It is most likely that Rig Veda was
composed between 1,500 B.C. and 1,000 B.C.
The people who
composed these evocative hymns to nature and
celebrated life exuberantly referred to themselves
as Aryas usually anglicised as Aryan meaning
The 6th Century
B.C. was a period of great ferment in India. The
kingdom of Magadh -one of the 16 great janapadas -
polities - had established paramountcy over other
kingdoms of the Ganges Valley. This was the time
when Buddhism and Jainism emerged as popular
protestant movements to pose a serious challenge
to Brahmanic orthodoxy. The fluid political
situation, made it possible for Chandragupta
Maurya (reign - 322 - 298 B.C.) to oust the
oppressive ruler of Magadh and found his own
The most famous
of the Mauryas is Ashoka the Great (reign - 273 -
232 B.C.). He extended the boundaries of his
empire considerably - stretching from Kashmir and
Peshawar in the North and Northwest to Mysore in
the South and Orissa in the East - but his fame
rests not so much on military conquests as on his
celebrated renunciation of war. After witnessing
the carnage at the battle field of Kalinga (269
B.C.) in Orissa, Ashoka resolved to dedicate
himself to Dhamma - or righteousness.
Ashoka died
around 232 B.C. and the empire began to
disintegrate under weak successors. Pushyamitra
Shunga, a Brahmin general usurped the throne after
slaying the last Maurya king and presided over a
loosely federal polity. In subsequent centuries
India suffered a series of invasions, and in the
absence of a strong central authority, often fell
under the spell of foreign rulers - Indo Bactrians,
the Sakas and others.
For the next four
hundred years, India remained politically
disunited and weak. It was repeatedly raided and
plundered by foreigners. Stability was restored by
the Guptas. Exploits of Samudra Gupta (reign - 335
- 380 A.D.) - an illustrious ruler of this line -
are recorded on a stone inscription at Allahabad.
It was Chandra
Gupta II (reign - 380 - 412 A.D.) - Samudra
Gupta's successor - who finally defeated the Sakas
and re-established a strong central authority. His
reign registered the high watermark in Indian
culture. His accomplishments in war and peace were
glorious enough for him to claim the title
Vikramaditya - the resplendent, great and good
king of legends. Fa-hien, a Chinese traveller who
was in India from 399 - 414 A.D. has left an
interesting account of contemporary India. This
age of peace and prosperity witnessed an
unprecedented flowering of art, literature and the
Kalidas, the
famous Sanskrit poet and dramatist, author of
Abhijnana Shankuntalam, Kumarsambhavam and
Meghadutam is believed to have adorned the Gupta
court. Mathematicians like Aryabhatta and
astronomers like Varahmihir lived during this
period. The dazzling wall paintings of Ajanta too
are traced back to this era. This period also saw
the beginning of Hindu temple architecture.
The twilight of
the Gupta Empire saw the setting in of decay.
Powerful feudal governors in the provinces
declared their independence. Trade and commerce
suffered and social evils crept in. There was only
a brief afterglow in the time of Harshavardhan
(reign - 604 - 647 A.D.) - of Kannauj - who is
famous for his philanthrophy and patronage of
Buddhism. Himself an accomplished writer, he
encouraged eminent dramatists like Bana. A Chinese
traveller Huen-tsang visited India from (629 - 645
A.D.) during the rule of Harshavardhan. His
account gives us an opportunity to note the
changes that had taken place in the lives of the
Indian people since the days of the Guptas.
In the Deccan,
the Cholas ruled over what today are the districts
of Thanjavur and Tiruchirapally. In the 2nd
Century B.C. a Chola prince conquered Sri Lanka.
The Pandyas reigned around present day
Tirunelvelli and Madurai. A Pandyan king sent an
ambassador to the court of the Roman emperor
Augustus in first Century B.C. The territory under
the Cheras was what constitutes the present day
central and northern Kerala.
Pallavas of
Kanchi rose to prominence in the 4th Century A.D.
and ruled unchallenged for about four hundred
years. The Nayanar and Alvar saint poets belong to
this period. The gemlike shore temples at
Mahabalipuram date to this period.
The Cholas
overthrew the Pallavas in the 9th Century and
regained political primacy in south India. The
exquisitely crafted Chola bronzes - the
resplendent Natraja - the Dancing Shiva - have
introduced the world to the glory of the Cholas.
The tide of political fortunes turned once again
in the 13th Century to make the Pandyas dominant.
Their kingdom became a great centre of
international trade. Art, literature and culture
flourished under generous patronage. The 15th
Century saw the decline of the Pandyas.
invasions had little impact on the life in
southern India and this region remained unaffected
by political upheavals that convulsed the north.