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My Senses All Are Backwards
My senses all are backwards
and it really makes me wonder
if on the day that I was born
somebody made a blunder.
They must have got my senses wired
totally reversed,
for everything I like the best
is what you'd call the worst.
I only like the smell of things
that frighten other noses.
I love the odor of a skunk.
I hate the smell of roses.
I only like the taste of foods
that cause most folks to shiver.
I love the taste of Brussels sprouts.
I'm crazy over liver.
I'm not too fond of music
but there's simply no denying
I like the sound of honking horns
and little babies crying.
I hate the feel of silky, velvet
softness on my skin.
I much prefer the way it feels
when sitting on a pin.
I hate the look of anything
that's really cute and snuggly.
The things I think are pretty
are what most consider ugly.
So let me tell you one more thing
before I have to go:
I think you are the most attractive
person that I know.
Visit me at :- Architgupta007@rediffmail.com
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